2 What do you think is meant by each of the following terms:
a) user feedback
b) scrap levels
c) repair rates?
3 Arrange to visit a factory to study its product quality control systems (or invite the manager responsible to visit you). Find out what systems are used.
a) Does the company guarantee that the product will consistently be of good quality?
b) If not, do you think the systems should be changed?
(City: Water group 'guarantees' standards)
1 a) What are the aims of quality control?
b) What are the main methods of quality control in industry?
c) If you ran a café, what sort of quality control systems would you introduce?
d) How would each system benefit your customers?
2 Northumbrian Water has no direct competition in its main supply area. Why should it worry about the quality of its product?
(Firm fined as fire doors fail flame test
High-factor sun cream left girl, 6, badly burnt)
1 a) What was wrong with the fire doors?
b) What was wrong with the sun tan lotion?
c) How are the two cases linked to quality control?
2 a) What was the result of each case?
b) How would this affect the manufacturers involved? Explain your answer carefully.
(Features: Hole story comes out in the wash)
1 a) According to the article 'Hole story comes out in the wash', what was the problem with Persil Power?
b) Who had made the initial complaint?
c) How did the retail stores react?
d) What effect did this have on the manufacturer?
2 a) Make a list of the criteria you use when deciding whether to buy a particular item of clothing. How high on your list are 'quality' and 'reliability'?
b) Make a second list of criteria, this time for choosing a new car. How high up did 'quality' and 'reliability' come this time?
c) Collect some magazine advertisements for clothing and cars. How many of them make reference, either explicitly or implicitly, to 'quality' or 'reliability'?
d) Describe what you mean by quality and reliability when describing i) a garment and ii) a car.
(Inquiry lines are appalling, say rail users)
1 How can a company motivate its workforce to achieve higher quality?
2 a) Why is quality control important in customer service?
b) What steps could British Rail take to improve its telephone enquiry services?
c) How might information technology help British Rail to improve?
d) How could British Rail later judge whether these measures had been successful?
(Barclays profits upset customers
Safety chief warns of rail disaster risk)
1 Explain why Barclays' high profits were not welcomed by its staff and customers.
2 'Quality control is essential in a manufacturing industry but it's not so important in retail and service industries, such as banking.' Do you agree with this view? Give reasons.
3 a) How does quality control affect safety in a transport system?
b) If you were responsible for quality control at Railtrack, what actions would you want to take?
4 Is quality control in customer service more important than in safety? Explain your answer carefully.